On January 9, the Ukrainian Book Institute will hold a webinar for potential participants of the Translate Ukraine 2025 translation support program.
During the meeting, we will talk about the requirements for applying for the program, as well as discuss the most common mistakes in applying and the stages of the program implementation.
The meeting will be held on the Google Meet platform.
The webinar will be held in three stages to allow representatives of countries from different time zones to participate:
• 17:00 AEDT (08:00 Kyiv time) - https://meet.google.com/eqq-fwsi-nso
• 14:00 CET (15:00 Kyiv time) - https://meet.google.com/tds-hgvv-crq
• 10:00 PT (17:00 Kyiv time) - https://meet.google.com/bqb-dtfn-uvh
The recording of the webinar is available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1CcwF_6m2t3J8ctcyS_RmLJOto17M9LWm