Results of the contest “Book on Inclusion”

For the implementation of the UBI 2021 annual work plan (Clause 3.3, Sub-Clause 3.3.1) and pursuant to the Clause 9-1 on the procedure of the use of funds, envisaged in the state budget for the Ukrainian Book Institute’s support of book publishing and Ukrainian literature promotion abroad, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 12 June 2019 No. 638, the UBI addressed the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine (MCIP) (letter of the UBI dated 18 May 2021 No. 15.004/184) as to the announcement of the art contest and selection of the winners in order to publish books pursuant to the National strategy of the creation of barrier free environment in Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the National strategy), and developed technical requirements (requirements) for the book project (book on inclusion) according to the National strategy.

Pursuant to the Order of the MCIP dated 31 May 2021 No. 381, and in accordance with the Clause 67 of the 2021 and 2022 annual work plans in regard to the implementation of the National strategy of the creation of barrier free environment in Ukraine till 2030, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 4 August 2021 No. 883-r., the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the MCIP) organized and conducted the art contest for the development of the model of the graphic information product and production of polygraphic information products on the subject of “Book on inclusion” (hereinafter referred to as the art contest).

Seven applications were submitted for participation in the contest. Jointly with the MCIP, the UBI processed book projects, submitted to the art contest.

Based on the results of the art contest, the protocol of the meeting of the MCIP Contest Commission on organization and conducting art contests dated 18 August 2021, the winner was selected and approved by the Order of the MCIP dated 26 August 2021 No. 673. The winner of the contest is “Osnovy” Publishing House LLC named after Solomiya Pavlychko. The title of the book project is “Svit bez obmezhen” by Anastasiya Stepula.

All the materials of the winner of the MCIP art contest were submitted to the government entity “The Ukrainian Book Institute” (hereinafter referred to as the UBI) for negotiations and signing of the purchase agreement with the winner of the art contest (letter of the MCIP No. 10242/5.11.2 dated 26 August 2021).

The list of recipients of copies of the book published based on the results of the art contest was formed and forwarded for approval of the MCIP, along with the cover letter of the UBI dated 16 September 2021 No. 15-004/389. The list was formed based on the information of the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Education Content Modernization” (letter of the SSI “IECM” dated 15 September 2021 No. 221/10-2116), on request of the UBI to the Ministry of Education of Ukraine (letter of the UBI dated 13 July 2021 No. 15-004/266).

The list of recipients of the publication was approved by the Order of the UBI dated 29 September 2021 No. 75-оd.

Negotiations with the winner of the contest were conducted.

In December 2021, accounting documents of the projects were accepted and verified, and payments were made.

Key figures:





Budget of the event, UAH thou.



Total number of applications submitted to the contest



Winners of the contest



Agreement signed pursuant to the results of negotiations



Total number of copies of the book edition, copies



Number of recipients, publishing companies, charged with further distribution of copies among school libraries



Number of end recipients, school libraries
